When dogs pull while being walked on a leash, they can cause pain and irritation to their neck and throat. This is especially true if the dog is a large breed or has thick fur on its neck. The pressure that results from pulling against a tight collar or leash can result in rope burns that will require immediate attention. If you notice a rope burn around your dog’s neck, take him or her to the vet immediately for an evaluation of the wound and treatment options.

What to put on rope burn from dog leash?

It is important to prevent rope burns from happening in the first place. If you are walking your dog, do not use a retractable leash or one with a long cord. These leashes allow dogs too much freedom and increase the risk of them running into a hazard, such as another animal or car. You should also keep your dog’s collar at an appropriate size for their breed, age and activity level. If you do notice a rope burn around your dog’s neck, take him or her to the vet immediately for an evaluation of the wound and treatment options.

What to put on rope burn from dog leash

Antibiotic ointment

The best type of antibiotic ointment to use is one with neomycin, polymyxin B, and bacitracin. Apply it to the rope and burn it twice daily until it heals. If the burn gets infected, wash it with soap and water and then apply a fresh coat of antibiotic ointment.

Over-the-counter (OTC) life-extending cream

Over-the-counter (OTC) life-extending cream is a type of medicine that contains lidocaine, a local anesthetic. When used on rope burns and other minor injuries, it can numb the pain so that you don’t feel it as much.

This type of cream can be used with a bandage and should not be used if the burn is serious or involves deep tissue damage. It can also be used for children and adults.

Cold compress

A cold compress can help reduce swelling and pain. Use a clean cloth or bag of frozen vegetables or ice cubes to apply cold for 10-15 minutes every 2 hours. This may help prevent tissue damage, reduce the risk of infection and decrease pain.


You’ll want to get a clean bandage, preferably one that’s sterile (not all are). Wrap it loosely around the area. Change it regularly and keep an eye on the skin underneath as well.


Neosporin is an antibiotic ointment that can be used to treat rope burns. The active ingredients are polymixin B sulfate, bacitracin zinc, neomycin sulfate, and polymyxin B sulfate. It’s important to note that the different brands of Neosporin have slightly different ingredients (and thus different uses).

Apply the ointment directly to the affected area twice daily for 7 days. Leave it on for 5-10 minutes before washing off with soap and water. Be careful not to get any in your eyes or mouth while applying it!

It’s important not to use this product unless you have been instructed by your doctor or dentist; otherwise, you could experience side effects such as skin irritation or allergy reactions.


Polymyxin is a topical antibiotic that can be used to treat the burn. Polymyxins are antibiotics that are used to treat skin infections, burns and open wounds. They are not absorbed into the bloodstream like other antibiotics and help prevent infection by killing bacteria on the skin.

Silvadene cream

Silvadene is a topical antibiotic and anti-inflammatory cream that’s used to treat skin infections. It’s not a substitute for antibiotic medicine, but it can help soothe the pain of rope burns caused by dog leashes.

It’s important to note that this product isn’t meant for everyone: it can cause allergic reactions in some people. If you have sensitive skin or are on any other medications, check with your doctor before using Silvadene cream.

You have many options for treating burns caused by ropes. Learn how to do it here.

When a rope burns your skin, you have several options for treating it. The first thing to do is assess the extent of the damage and decide which treatment option will be best.

To treat rope burns caused by a leash, you can apply an over-the-counter medication (such as Neosporin) directly onto the affected area to prevent infection, reduce pain and swelling, and promote the healing of damaged tissue. You can also apply a cold compress on top of the ointment to further reduce pain and swelling. This method works well for minor rope burns or if you want something quick and easy that doesn’t require much effort from you or your dog. If this solution doesn’t work well enough though then try one of these methods instead:

Gently wash off any dirt away with soap & water before applying any lotion/ointment because their abrasiveness could cause further irritation on top of already irritated areas such as those found within close proximity where people hold onto leashes tightly while walking their pets outdoors during warmer weather seasons when temperatures rise above 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 C).

If you have a lotion/ointment with Aloe Vera in it, then apply directly to the affected area. If not then try mixing 1 part water with 2 parts rubbing alcohol (which can be found at most pharmacies) into a spray bottle and spritz onto burned areas until thoroughly wetted. Then apply an over-the-counter medication such as Neosporin or Bacitracin directly onto the wound(s).


The burn from a dog leash can be painful and irritating, but there are many ways to treat it. Keep in mind that rope burns don’t always require medical treatment. If the pain gets worse or lasts longer than two days after you’ve seen the doctor, then call again.