A dog lick mat is a type of carpet that stays clean for months. It does this by having a special coating on it that repels dirt and stains for long periods of time. However, keep in mind that dogs also have an instinctual urge to chew on things and so if you want your dog to use this as an area to scratch away at then it can be done with the use of food on their mouth mats; this will help them feel more comfortable doing so because they know there’s something good inside!

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a great choice for dog lick mats. It’s easy to wipe up, and peanut butter contains good proteins that will help your dog grow strong. A small amount of peanut butter a day can be used as a tasty treat for your dog.

If you have a problem with licking mats, giving your dog peanut butter in moderation may help fix this problem!


  • Yogurt is a great substitute for peanut butter. Dogs love peanut butter as much as people do, but it’s not always the best choice for their diet. Instead of using peanut butter to treat your dog’s lick mat, try using plain yogurt instead! Plain yogurt is full of calcium and probiotic bacteria that can help keep their digestive system healthy. You can also add some fruit to the yogurt to make it more palatable for your dog (and tastier for you).
  • If you don’t have any plain yogurt in your fridge, use fruit-flavored varieties instead! If a small container contains fewer than 100 calories per serving, then it’s perfectly safe to share with your pup as well! Just make sure that no sugar or artificial sweeteners were added—these ingredients aren’t good for dogs either.


Cheese is a great option for your lick mat. Not only is it tasty, but cheese is a good source of protein, calcium and vitamin A, B1, B2, B3 and E. Cheese also contains iron, zinc and phosphorus which are essential nutrients that dogs need to stay healthy.

The best types of cheeses to use on your dog’s lick mat are cheddar or Parmesan because they have less moisture than other types of cheese (which may cause mold). If you’re worried about how much salt is in those types of hard cheeses then you can grate them into little pieces instead so that when your pup licks their tongue on the mat they get just enough saltiness but not too much!

Canned dog food

It may seem counterintuitive to put canned dog food on a lick mat made out of carpet, but it actually works pretty well. If you’ve got an older dog who still has a few teeth left and likes to chew on things, they’re going to get bored if you stick with soft treats all the time. Canned dog food is a good choice because it comes in lots of different flavors and textures, so if your pet has one favorite flavor they’ll be happy, but if they want variety they can try something else.

If you’re worried about your pet eating too much canned food at once, that’s okay! You can always use smaller jars or split larger ones into several small portions before giving them some each day. If your pet doesn’t like plain or wet canned dog food (many don’t), try topping off their dish with peanut butter for an added treat!

Some people choose not only for dogs’ health reasons but also because it helps keep down the mess associated with traditional treats left lying around on floors everywhere – especially during holidays when people are getting together more often than usual.”

Wet dog food

Wet dog food is a great choice for your pet’s lick mat. However, you’ll have to wait until you’re ready to give it to them before applying it. This will keep the mat from getting too messy while you work on making sure that your pets are happy with their new treat. Wet food can also be good for dogs with allergies or digestive issues, but only if they are given as part of a balanced diet under the guidance of a veterinarian.

Cooked Chicken

Cooked chicken is a good choice. It’s easy to digest, high in protein, and low in fat. If you’re not sure whether your dog has food allergies, cooked chicken may be the best option for you.

Cooked fish (Fish flakes and canned tuna are perfect)

It’s best to avoid raw meat, which can be a source of bacteria. Also, keep in mind that some types of fish may have more mercury than others. Fish with bones should also be avoided, since they can get stuck in your dog’s throat and cause injury or choking. Furthermore, you’ll want to avoid fish with strong flavors—for example, anchovies are very pungent and will likely leave a bad taste in your dog’s mouth (literally). On the other hand, canned tuna is easy-to-eat and has a mild flavor—a great option for dogs who don’t like their food as “meaty” or spicy as others do!

Puréed Pumpkin

Pumpkin is a source of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins that can reduce inflammation in the body. While you should always consult with your vet before giving your dog any new foods (like pumpkin), it’s generally considered safe for dogs to eat small amounts of pureed pumpkin every few days.

If you’re ready to give this tasty nutritional supplement a try, here’s what you need to know:

  • Pumpkin can be fed in a variety of ways. You can mix some into homemade dog treats or soups or simply pour it on top of their regular food. If they’re not used to having it regularly yet, try mixing a little bit into their existing diet first—you don’t want them getting an upset stomach!
  • Make sure that when choosing canned pumpkin (a common ingredient at grocery stores), read the label carefully since many brands contain extra sugar or salt which could cause digestive problems if given too often/in large quantities.*

Vegetables and Fruits

Vegetables and fruits are a great option for your dog’s lick mat. You can use fresh or canned vegetables and fruits, but avoid raw meat. If you’re using a lick mat for the first time, it might be wise to start with a small portion of vegetables and slowly increase them over time as your dog learns how to use the new surface.

Fruits that dogs love include apples, bananas and grapes; however, make sure you remove any seeds from the latter two items because they may cause an obstruction in your dog’s digestive tract. Vegetables such as cooked carrots are another popular choice; however, avoid raw celery since it contains oxalates that can cause kidney stones if ingested by dogs in large quantities.

Various items, but no raw meat.

Don’t be confused by the fact that dogs are carnivores. Most veterinarians agree that raw meat should not be given to dogs. Raw meat can cause food poisoning, salmonella and E. coli infections in people, as well as various parasites and other illnesses in pets.

Most foods are good, so just put whatever you can on it.

Most foods are good, so just put whatever you can on it. He’ll probably enjoy a well-balanced meal of meat, veggies, and grains. But don’t feed him raw meat because it can make him sick.

If you want to be more selective about what goes into his bowl, try using food that’s easy to chew—like cooked chicken breast or ground beef—and don’t overdo it with the kibble unless he needs the extra calories for athletic performance (e.g., if he’s a very active dog). And make sure your dog eats enough fruits and vegetables to get all the nutrients he needs; this may mean mixing them into other types of food like cottage cheese or even peanut butter!

Don’t feed your dog too much of one thing because that could cause digestive issues or allergies later on down the line (e.g., if every meal has only rice dishes). Mixing up his diet will also help prevent any one ingredient from becoming too dominant in his diet which could eventually lead up allergy problems later on down the line (for example: “My corgi gets really bad allergies when she eats too many carrots”).


This article has covered a wide range of food choices. It is important to keep in mind that there is no one size fits all answer when it comes to what you should put on your dog’s lick mat. Every dog has different needs, so the best thing to do is experiment with different combinations until you find what works best for both of you.